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Polymorph (Friendly Plastic) - various sizes

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What is it?

Also known as "Friendly Plastic", Polymorph is a thermoplastic that has all the characteristics of a tough “engineering” material yet it fuses and becomes easily mouldable at just 62°C. It can be heated with just hot water or a hairdryer (though we recommend a heat gun for speed) and moulded by hand. It can be heated and reused again and again.

What can I do with it?

Make accessories. Hold wires or mechnical parts together. Make moulds. Make robotic components. Make thin sheets by pressing the heated plastic between glass. Paint it. Dye it. And if you don't like the end result, heat up an area and make adjustments, or heat the whole thing and start again!

How do I use it?

Put the granules in hot water. When they become clear and form a lump, take it out (use a tool - any would do) and then use a hairdryer or heat gun if you need to heat it up more. If you use a heat gun to start with the granules might go everywhere.


  • Workable at temperatures that won't cause burns.
  • Can be painted with model paints.
  • Can be reheated and reused any number of times.
  • Biodegradable in soil.

CAUTION! Do not heat polymorph above the range of 60-65°C. Above this temperature it will become a sticky adherent mass and present the same hazard as hot-melt glue.
Under no circumstances should Polymorph be moulded around parts of the body, risking the danger of it hardening in position.