Business purchases from Northern Ireland: from 31 March 2025, we will no longer be able to fulfill orders to businesses (B2B) in Northern Ireland. Personal purchases are not affected.

Pricing Information

Our prices are displayed with VAT included.

We are IOSS and VOEC registered and will collect VAT for EU countries and Norway. Therefore, if you are logged in and we have your address information, or we can detect your location by IP address, then the prices shown include the relevant VAT rate for your country.

If you use a virtual private network (VPN) or incognito mode to browse our site, then the correct prices may not be shown at the product pages.

In all cases, the correct amount of VAT will be included in the final price at checkout, when the delivery country information is provided.

For more on how we use IOSS and VOEC, see "customs duties, taxes and fees" on our Shipping Information page.